Questions People Ask About NTMA

What is the Alliance?We were founded 50 years ago to foster understanding and sensitivity between faith communities in the greater New Trier area. We were originallly known as the Winnetka Interfaith Council, but we changed our name to better reflect our geographic reach and a more contemporary mission.
Where is the Alliance located?The New Trier area includes Winnetka, Kenilworth, Glencoe, Northfield and Wilmette. Some of our programs reach further into surrounding communities.
What exactly does NTMA do? – We provide a forum for multifaith dialogue through regular meetings,
exchanges, services and educational programs
– We explore how faith communities can better communicate and cooperate,
to collectively improve the human experience.
– We also address human needs by calling our member congregations’
attention to worthy causes.
What kind of programs does NTMA produce?We sponsor programs of our own, and highlight those of our members, that  explore a range of topics from the perspective of the major faiths.
What are some recent NTMA programs?Examples include programs in our series examining “What the Sacred Texts Teach Us” about issues we face every day, including:
– Welcoming the Stranger
– Finding Inner Peace
– The Status of Women: Have We Come Far Enough?
Who can participate in these programs?Everyone, regardless of faith. We welcome anyone who is curious about, or has ideas or questions about, faith communities. Many people seek understanding, solace and direction in today’s turbulent political and social environment.
Does multifaith mean the same thing as interfaith?Both are all about reaching out. For us, Multifaith is a worldview and an agenda focused not just on tolerance, but also on acceptance; understanding and cooperation.
Aren’t you the Thanksgiving Service people?Well, yes! Our various member faith communities take turns hosting this wonderful, thankful celebration of faith, music and fellowship. Mark your calendar for the Tuesday evening before Thanksgiving, and bring the whole family for a memorable service and refreshments.
How do I get involved?To start, here are three ways:
1. We welcome you to attend our programs and to get to know us.
2. If you frequent or belong to one of our member faith communities, you can learn more about NTMA by speaking to the community’s NTMA representative.
3. Ask your religious or lay leadership to contact about becoming more involved in NTMA.
How do I learn more?Check our website,, to learn more about upcoming programs.